Subscription Policy

    • If subscription has ended with no renewal, all upcoming sessions booked while subscription was active, will no longer be available to the guest. 
    • Non-renewal or failure to respond leads to refund and cancellation of future bookings.
    • The guest or client that has purchased a subscription from our website must be the only creator, (along with their clients) to work inside the studios. Creators who have purchased their subscription, and give subscription benefits to other creators is prohibited.                                                               
    • The Unique Empire team will email the guest when a rule as been broken. If guests/clients go over these strikes, then the guests will have their subscriptions canceled after the next renewal date. If guests/clients want to continue using the subscription benefit, then they must renew it on our website. If there is any confusion to our request, please contact us using our email, You may also call our office phone number, (312) 291-9541.